Birthday Barbeque Or/ I turn 24.

Eventhough today (Bastille Day) is my birthday, I would like to see you guys out at Kits beach on Saturday for a beach BARBEQUE.
When: Saturday July 15th 3:00 pm most cookin' and eatin' as of 5:00 pm
Where: the Kits Beach picnic area (North of the Wartermark consession area and adjascent to the volleyball nets)
What: BBQ (some Burgers and libations provided, but bring food if you can) If you don't know what to bring, call me. GAMES (Volley, Frisbee, Pirate driftwood fort play). SUN (Weather permitting, otherwise we will change venues to a houseparty in east van).
Hope to see you there.
Call me for details.
I'll also be out at the Pic Pub tonight with bands and such.
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