Under New Management: B-Town
This will be a series of postings, comments, rants, ramblings, and images about issues of the design, politics, music, arts, and foods that both makes up and drives the Urban Condition.
As for me, I am B-Town, an urban designer at UBC's School of Community and Regional Planning In Vancouver. My defining distractions are conjoined penchants for quality food, entertaining and dubious films, and blues, soul, & funk. So far the closest I've come to mixing all of these effectively has been with "the Blues Brothers" (1981) and "Block Party" (2006), and mixed with a bowl of Vancouver's own Asian oriented soulfood, Pho.
Other Urban Geeks, should feel free to strike up debates and conversation on the comments section... My goal is to periodically put out a subject or current issue to be hashed out by all of us afflicted with the urban condition. You know shit like, what's below.
So, Welcome to the Urban Condition, its all in how you live it.
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